[energy az] Tucson Can Take Action For A Just Transition To Clean Energy Now [more]

 We face a public health crisis that is exacerbated by fossil fuel pollution while there are unprecedented layoffs in the clean energy industry. It sounds bleak, but we have the opportunity now to create more healthy and affordable energy systems by putting pressure on Tucson Electric Power (TEP) and the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). 

Send your message to the ACC and tell it to hold TEP accountable to a just transition to clean energy from dirty, expensive, polluting fossil fuels.

Send Your Message

There's a lot going on with TEP right now. The utility is looking to raise the cost of electricity to fund expensive, outdated coal plants and the acquisition of new fracked gas units. It's also scoping out its energy resources for the next few decades while the Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe call on Arizona regulators to order TEP to fund a just transition to clean energy. 

What it boils down to is this: TEP has an opportunity to bring the economic benefits of clean energy to Tucson and to Tribal Nations while also cleaning up our air and climate. 

But TEP won't make this commonsense move unless we make enough noise! Send your message now and get involved with our campaign!

In June, TEP will file a plan that includes different portfolios (or options) for where it will get its energy. Environmental groups and Indigenous leaders are already pushing TEP's regulators at the ACC for a fair, affordable transition to clean energy. 

But TEP customers play a critical role. If we don't continue raising awareness about the utility's expensive addiction to fossil fuels and the benefits of clean energy, then we and other communities where coal and gas plants are sited could be stuck with dirty air and expensive bills for years to come.

Take action now and tell the ACC to protect customers from high rates and to justly transition our state to clean energy.

Thanks for taking action, 

~~ Catalina Ross
Southern Arizona Energy Coordinator 

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