[Borderlands] Press Release: "New Walls at $100 Million per Mile"... [more]

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / BorderLands / . . .

Press Release: "New Walls at $100 Million per Mile"

Linked in this press release are court documents showing that the Department of Homeland Security...

  • is sloppy and thoughtless in its wall planning,
  • that it intends to wall off the Cocopah and Quechan Reservations -- as early as this month,
  • and that it is gifting one of the border profiteering corporations -- Kiewit, Barnard, SLS, Fisher -- as much as $106 million (for as little as one mile of border wall, lights, sensors, etc) !

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A construction crew seen recently building border wall through the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge...

Photo credit:
Laiken Jordahl and Center for Biological Diversity

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / BorderLands / . . .

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