Orange County Parks

Especially if you are a user of OC Parks, you ought to know what the management of these wonderful resources is thinking, planning, and doing.  OC Parks is governed by the OC Parks Commission that meets monthly, and depending on what is on the agenda, supporters and opponents of an item may show up to make their voices heard.  The OC Sierran has observed that such interest groups can influence the decisions of the commission.

The OC Parks Commission is advisory to the Board of Supervisors and to the Director of OC Parks on matters related to the harbors, beaches, and parks of the County.  Commissioners are appointed by each of the five members of the Board of Supervisors and two are appointed by the City Selection Committee to represent inland or coastal cities.  These are the current members:

Board Member Name


Area Represented

OC Supervisors

David Shawver


Inland Cities


Eric Weigand


Coastal Cities


Bert Ashland

Vice Chair

First District

Andrew Do

Ray Diaz


Second District

Vicente Sarmiento

David Hanson


Third District

Donald P. Wagner



Fourth District

Doug Chaffee

Hallie Jones


Fifth District

Katrina Foley

Pam Passow is the head of staff.


Orange County Supervisorial Districts


The OC Parks Commission usually meets on the first Thursday of the month.  Agendas, minutes, and meeting schedules can be found at the commission’s webpage on the OC Parks website.


The OC Parks Trails Subcommittee may be of particular interest to the Sierra Club entities in Orange County as it deals with matters regarding County trails and bikeways.  This Subcommittee meets quarterly and is also open to the public.  Helen Maurer of the Conservation Committee usually attends these meetings and reports back to the committee.  On various occasions she has addressed both the Subcommittee and the Commission on matters ranging from E-bikes to the Trails Pilot Project.

  • The subcommittee is regularly seeks qualified candidates to serve as at-large  members to fill vacancies, and we urge any interested member to complete an application.

Loosely associated with OC Parks and the Sierra Club are the Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks and the Safe Trails Coalition.  Both warrant active park users’ attention.

Ed Maurer