2021 Sierra Sage Elections

Each member can vote for the Management Committee leaders for the Sierra Sage of South Orange County group of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club.

All candidates are currently listed in the Club membership database, and all have submitted candidate statements and pictures.

There are five candidates. You may vote for four or fewer.  The statements below are listed in alphabetical order.  Incumbents are marked with an asteriks.



Alex Berk

Alex Berk, 2021 candidate for Sierra Sage Mgmt CommI graduated from college this past May into a world recovering from COVID-19 but accelerating towards irreversible climate crisis. I want to contribute all I can to protect the Earth and all its inhabitants so that I can look towards a brighter future. That's why I'm running to be a member of the management committee. 

My degree is in civil engineering, and I've done all I can to put that technical knowledge to use. I minored in a sustainable design program and participated in various sustainability-focused extracurriculars in design, strategy, and education. My senior capstone project designed a natural method for treating a lake in LA county. 

I recently started my first full-time job as a sustainability consultant, but in my free time, I've been working with Sierra Sage to advocate for Community Choice Energy (CCE) in Mission Viejo. I would love the opportunity to do more for the group and make a bigger impact. I hope you'll consider electing me for a seat on the management committee.

Leslie Fitch

Leslie FitchMy interest in the environment began on a two week backpacking trip in the Trinity Alps  while in high school.  

After joining the Sierra Club in Los Angeles in 1986 I began to enjoy the relatively  easy access to nature in an urban environment through group hikes in the Santa Monica  Mountains. Now, as a volunteer for the Forest Service at Mt. Pinos in Frazier Park I have  taken the required First Aid courses to qualify as a hill host for the National Ski Patrol. I help  families find the trails most suited to their abilities and have administered first aid for hypo- thermia. In addition, I have had winter survival training that included an overnight in a snow  cave on Mt Pinos. 

After owning a freelance design business for 24 years in the Bay Area I became a lifetime  member of the Sierra Club in 2015 after moving to South Orange County. Participating in  many Sierra Sage hikes has given me new appreciation for the fragile nature of this unique  environment. I wish to further the membership and participation in Sierra Sage by becoming  a member of the management committee.

Tod Fitch

Tod Fitch, 2021 candidate for Sierra Sage Mgmt CommI have been a member of the Sierra Club since the early 1980s and my wife and I have been life members since 2015 when we moved into the area served by the Sierra Sage group. While I have no leadership history with the Sierra Club, I have been in leadership positions with the Mount Pinos Nordic Ski Patrol and in the National Ski Patrol. I am currently the candidate trainer and assistant patrol representative for the Mount Pinos Nordic Ski Patrol and qualified as a Nordic/Backcountry Instructor.

 My interest in the outdoors, especially hiking and camping, has been life long starting with family hiking and camping in the 1960s. Over that time I have seen great changes, usually for the worse, in the health of our natural environment.

 I have enjoyed many local hikes sponsored by the Sierra Sage and would like to contribute to the future success of the group. Your vote will allow me the privilege of serving on the Management Committee.

Vicki Hazley*

Vicki Hazley, 2021 candidate Sierra Sage Mgmt CommI am a current member of the Sage Management Committee and running for re-election as I wish to continue serving the organization in a leadership role. Additionally, I am the current treasurer for Sierra Sage.  I enjoyed participating in many day hikes and Sierra Club Outings Trips so much that I’m now a hike leader.  If elected, I would have the opportunity to provide input on Sierra Sage matters regarding preserving nature areas in which I hike.  I would continue to participate in activities that showcase and promote the Sierra Sage Chapter in Orange County.  Also to support the Sierra club mission of keeping outdoors spaces protected and accessible for everyone to enjoy.  Please consider supporting my desire to continue as a committee member.

Duana Miller*

Duana Miller, 2021 candidate for Sierra Sage Mgmt CommI am currently the Vice Chair of the Sierra Sage group.  I would like to continue serving on the management committee and continue my commitment to the environment through the group’s activities and outings as well as supporting environmentally minded people seeking public office at all levels.  I use this platform to inform others about the environment, the issues surrounding it and protecting it for future generations.