By Robyn Bytheway
2025 just started, and already the threats to the environment are feeling dire. There are the recent devastating fires in LA County, not to mention a new presidential administration with a poor environmental track record (to say the least). Given the moment, my environmental New Year’s resolution for 2025 is simple: I want to expand my current advocacy efforts to meet these growing needs.
So what does that mean, specifically? Personally, I’m good at behind-the-scenes work. For example, I coordinate a lot of the Central Group’s information and try to keep us organized. (You may be familiar with my name as the person usually sending out meeting announcements and updates.) It’s a comfortable space for me, and I enjoy this work and know it’s appreciated by my fellow volunteers. For 2025, though, I want to step up my efforts in other spaces.
To that end, this year I’m planning to step out from behind the keyboard a little and engage in more visible Sierra Club advocacy. I’m interested in participating in endorsement committees, which are important for electing local leaders who prioritize the environment. I also plan to attend more events, such as our 30x30 advocacy hikes which build awareness about the open spaces we can protect in our backyard, and Central Group tabling events, which allow us to reach environmental advocates in our community. I might even write a small article for the Central Group newsletter… the one that you’re reading now!
This year is an important one for the environment. If you share my feelings and are wondering how to show up for the environment, I invite you to be an activist with the Central Group. You can definitely work in the spaces that you’re most comfortable or skilled in. You can also branch out and try something new, like I will this year. The Sierra Club has so many talented volunteers and supportive leaders, and you’ll find plenty of opportunities for advocacy.
Robyn is a Central Group ExCom member, as well as its secretary and treasurer. Typically a mild-mannered librarian, threats to the environment make her fight.