Introducing Member Spotlight

SpotlightThe Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club will begin a new project to build community, promote inclusion, and foster interest in the club and its participants. Regularly, we will interview members of the Sierra Club and publish them in the Bayou Banner and on our Facebook pages. Interviews will be adminstered via email and interviewees may include images, writings, and art. Below is the Spotlight format. Interviewees may answer any or all of the questions.  Let me know if you'd like to be interviewed.  Email

Member Spotlight

Welcome _____, tell us a little about yourself.

Describe the first time you felt a strong affinity for nature? 

Describe a time you participated at a Sierra Club event?  What did you do and what motivated you to participate?

What kind of activity or activities would you like to see the Houston Sierra Club to do more of and why?

What environmental message do you have for young people?