Better World to the Rescue

By Carol Woronow

Better World and Sierra ClubFlat tire? Again!

Better World to the rescue — again!

The Sierra Club is partnering with Better World, an eco-friendly auto club (for bicycles, too).

For new Better World members, the partnership offers a 25% discount for the first year.

I have been a member of Better World Club for many years, and they have always offered pleasant, efficient service, rescuing me from many flat tires over the years, as well as a jump to start from a dead battery.

They come in a small car (no giant tow truck) to change my flat tire for my spare tire.  When they rescued me from a flat tire in June 2016, they messaged my phone every step of the way: received your call, notified nearest person, on the way, just arrived. And they are easy to spot in bright reflective vests.

Better World also fights the highway lobby for more efficient cars, for bike lanes, and gives 1% of their gross revenue for environmental cleanup and advocacy. They have discounts on hotels and rental cars (including green hotels and EV rental cars).

If you are a klutz, like me, and need an auto club to rescue you, join the eco-friendly auto club Better World.