Major Victory!

In a major victory for the Sierra Club and our allies, today Aera, co-owned by Exxon and Shell, announced that they would be withdrawing their Cat Canyon oil project in light of, “ongoing permit uncertainty with respect to oil and gas projects,” as well as “current global uncertainties in the oil market.”

In short, Aera recognized that decision makers, including Sierra Club-endorsed county supervisors who won re-election in March, would not rubber stamp their dangerous project and would be taking into account well-documented impacts to water, air, endangered species and climate, as well as overwhelming community opposition. The current global oil glut has also makes these projects uneconomic.

Our thanks and congratulations to the thousands of community members who have expressed opposition to Cat Canyon oil expansion over many years and our generous members and donors who helped fund this long fight. This is a major victory for all.

Aera's Cat Canyon project     Cat Canyon View

Views of Cat Canyon valley and the oak covered hills where Aera proposed their polluting cyclic steam project.