Pilgrim Pipeline

Prevent More Fracked Oil In NJ!

Pilgrim Pipeline LLC has proposed a brand new oil pipeline across northern New Jersey that would connect Albany, NY and Linden, NJ. This bidirectional pipeline would carry corrosive, volatile Bakken crude oil through our communities. Sierra Club has joined with over thirty organizations to oppose this project.

Pipeline construction would have deleterious effects on both the open spaces and urbanized communities through which it would pass. In the Highlands and other sensitive areas, we would see wetlands destroyed, drinking water and critical habitats threatened, endangered species leveled to the ground, and impacts to waterways from more erosion due to construction. The pipeline would pass through environmental justice communities that have already seen too much air and water pollution as a result of the fossil fuel industry.

The pipeline will carry North Dakotan Bakken shale oil. Produced through fracking, it is one of the most explosive types of oil in the world. In February the *Wall Street Journal* compared oil from 86 locations around the world and found Bakken crude oil to be the most explosive. Bringing this fuel into our state endangers our families, property, and environment.

The company has not released a detailed map but the project is expected to follow along Rt 287 and then cut across Watchung, Scotch Plains, and other communities on its way to Linden. However there are maps collected at public sessions.

To get involved in the fight, contact Toni Granato at toni.granato@sierraclub.org

Donate to the Pilgrim Pipeline battle!

We have a one-time opportunity to stop Pilgrim’s oil pipelines during the NJDEP permitting process. Pilgrim filed for permits in NY in 2015, and could file with the NJDEP at any time. When asked to approve permits, the DEP does not perform its own impact analysis. It relies on environmental impact studies produced by applicants and third parties. Unless we act, the DEP will rely only on the environmental impact studies produced by Pilgrim’s contractors.

In order to ensure a comprehensive and objective process, and greatly improve the probability of permit rejections, we commissioned an independent environmental/water study to fight the permit applications at the DEP. (In New York State recently, the Constitution Pipeline was stopped when the NY DEC refused to issue a 401 water quality certificate.)

The funding for the environmental study is complete, but we still need more resources to continue the battle against Pilgrim.  We are working to continue the public outcry against this proposal and will need funding for our staff to continue educating communities along the proposed route as well as working with consultants and developing educational materials.   For information on how you can make a contribution to this important campaign, click the yellow donate button below.  Thanks for all that you can do to help!



View slides from our June 13, 2017 town hall forum in Chatham, NJ:

View slides prepared by Princeton Hydro (September 27, 2016) on assessing wetlands & streams along the proposed Pilgrim route.

Watch a video of the June 14, 2016 town hall forum in Montville, NJ describing the Princeton Hydro environmental study of the proposed Pilgrim route.  Or view slides presented by our town hall forum speakers:

Watch a video of NJ Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel discussing the Pilgrim Pipeline on the "Jersey Matters" TV show.

Read our informational flyer here or download .pdf for printing.

More information on the Coalition Against Pilgrim Pipeline web site.

Sample Municipal Resolution: Download .pdf version or editable .docx version.

Letter asking DeCotiss to Cease and Desist from harassing landowners along Pilgrim ROW (.pdf)

Sign the Change.org petition to US Army Corps of Engineers - Please Stop the Pilgrim Pipeline