Executive Committee Elections

Vote by December 1 for the Sierra Club Executive Committee 2022


Voting Instructions:

Who is eligible to vote? All members of the Sierra Club who live in Michigan and who were registered as a member in the Sierra Club Club database as of the first day of the election are eligible to vote. 

Where do I get my ballot? Members of the Sierra Club in Michigan will receive a paper ballot in the Winter issue of The Mackinac, the Chapter's newspaper. Links to the online ballots will be emailed to every member for whom we have an email address.

You may choose to vote online or with the paper ballot. If we receive both electronic and paper ballots for the same membership number, only the electronic ballot will be counted. Instructions for correctly submitting your paper ballot are included with The Mackinac.

When can I vote? The Chapter election opens on October 1st, 2022 and closes 11:59 pm on December 1st, 2022.

What is my membership number? Your eight-digit membership number is on your membership card or on the mailing label of The Mackinac newsletter. Your membership number is also printed on the mailing label of your Sierra magazine — instructions for finding it are here. If you still cannot find your member number contact member.care@sierraclub.org or you can simply use your name and zip code instead of the ID.

What if I have a Joint membership? Both members in a Joint membership can vote, but both members must vote in the same medium (either paper or electronic ballot). The mailing label on your print newsletter will indicate whether your household has a single ("SNGL") or joint ("JNT") membership. Each person in a joint membership has their own ID which can be found by contacting member.care@sierraclub.org or you can simply use your name and zip code instead of the ID.

What counts as a “spoiled” ballot? Your ballot will be considered spoiled and will not be counted if:

  • You vote for more candidates than the maximum indicated on the ballot (the ballot will tell you how many candidates you can vote for in each case);

  • Your (paper) ballot is illegible; or

  • You have already cast your ballot (Only your most recent electronic ballot will be counted; If we receive both electronic and paper ballots for the same membership number, only the electronic ballot will be counted. For Joint membership voting rules, see above.).

What if I still have questions? If you have any questions, contact the Chapter office at 517-484-2372 or excomelectioncommittee@michigan.sierraclub.org.

What are Executive Committees?

Chapter and Group Executive Committees (Excoms) represent Sierra Club members in deciding local conservation policy, endorsing political candidates, and administering programs and activities: essential functions that require a substantial, sustained commitment from our volunteer leadership.

Key responsibilities: Each Executive Committee member is expected to be actively involved in some aspect of the chapter or group’s work:

  • set Chapter priorities and policies
  • ensure financial stability and solvency
  • monitor and evaluate Chapter and Club activities

Executive Committee must attend regular meetings, determine Sierra Club positions on many critical environmental issues, and take an active part in making the Chapter or Group function well. A substantial time commitment between meetings is the norm. This is not an entry-level role; some knowledge of how the Sierra Club works is essential.