
Explore, protect, and enjoy the planet!

Outings with the Sierra Club's Anne Arundel Group might include an environmental field trip, stewardship project, bike, hike, kayak, or walk, and are always a good time (see Get Outdoors). 

Environmental field trips are often linked to our conservation program. They may include tours of the County landfill and recycling facilities, solar and hybrid vehicle projects, composting facilities, or wastewater treatment plants.

Outdoor recreational outings emphasize exploration of the many great parks and natural areas in our County, some of which feature access to and views of the Magothy, Patuxent, Rhode, Rockhold, Severn, South, and West Rivers or the Chesapeake and Herring Bays.

The Outings Calendar lists all of the Chapter’s trips by activity (biking, camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing), location, date, and sponsor. Sierra Club outings require a trained outings leader, completed permission forms, and a plan.

For more information on how to become a trained outings leader or on outings sponsored by our Group, contact the Outings Chair, Carmen Skarlupka, at:   carmen.skarlupka@mdsierra.org.