Trump Resistance

What You Can Do

Here's how we can protect the environment in the Trump era


1.  Get on the email list to hear about Sierra Club Maine Trump Resistance activities and information

2.  Start a local Trump Resistance Team in your community (we’ll help you set it up!)

3.  Host a biweekly or monthly Trump Resistance gathering

4.  Organize a phone bank to call Maine's Congressional Delegation  

5.  Write a Letter to the Editor and submit to your local paper

6.  Start a Facebook group for your local Trump Resistance Team (e.g.  York Trump Resistance)

7.  Attend rallies

8.  Organize local rallies

9.  Organize an event or house party to get more people involved 

10. Schedule a meeting with Sen. Collins, Sen. King, Rep. Poliquin, and Rep. Pingree (or their staff) at nearest office to you






Executive Order

On March 31, 2017, Donald Trump signed an executive order to begin the process of dismantling the Obama Administration’s key actions tackling the climate crisis and protecting clean air, including the Clean Power Plan and other safeguards issued under the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Protection Act, and other authorities.


Paris Climate Accord


President Trump, in a decision that will strike a major blow to global efforts to combat global warming and climate change, has decided to pull the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, making the U.S. only one of three countries in the world (the others being Syria and Nicaragua), to not take part in this historic agreement.






President Trump has proposed budget cuts for environmental programs that provide important funding for the continuation of Maine’s fisheries, among other important areas given funding. If these budget cuts are approved by Congress, Maine’s lobster and fishing industries will continue to decline, devastating Maine’s coastal economy.




EPA Standards


With Scott Pruitt as the agency’s head, the Environmental Protection Agency has begun efforts to roll back air and water pollution standards, which poses a significant threat to human health and the environment.




Lands Protection


Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument


The Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument was placed on a list of 22 such sites that were up for federal review by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. This beautiful recreational area, which provides a needed boost to the area’s economy, could face being derecognized as a national monument.




Dirty Fossil Fuels

In his short time in office, President Trump has already moved to strengthen the oil industry by signing executive orders giving the go-ahead to construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, as well as lifting restrictions on offshore and Arctic drilling. These expansions of fossil fuel’s power will devastate the terrestrial and marine environments that are subject to drilling and oil leakages. County and state action must be taken to oppose these dangerous constructions if we wish to preserve valuable natural ecosystems. 





Neil Gorsuch


President Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch, a staunchly conservative judge, to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Gorsuch believes in interpreting the U.S. Constitution as it would have been perceived at the time of enactment; he is backwards-looking, and unconcerned about changing things for the better for the future of the country. We must oppose Gorsuch’s nomination if we wish to see meaningful social change in this country.


Scott Pruitt


Scott Pruitt, a man who has sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was nominated by President Trump to head the EPA. Pruitt does not have our environment’s best interests at heart, and his dangerous decisions regarding EPA standards for pollutants and chemicals could seriously endanger at-risk people in Maine and beyond.




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