Varios Artistas Piden Justicia en Patriótico Video sobre la Marcha Climática de los Pueblos

El Sierra Club emitió un inspirador video como promoción de la Marcha Climática de los Pueblos que se celebrará el 29 de abril en Washington, DC, y otras 85 ciudades de todo el mundo. 

Para ver el video con subtítulos en español, seleccione “Settings” y elija “Spanish” entre las opciones de YouTube.

El libreto del video entreteje varios pasajes y temas de documentos históricos, discursos y emblemáticos momentos de nuestra historia para dejar claro el mensaje de que la garantía de justicia para todos y la protección de todas las personas en Estados Unidos son valores fundamentales que datan de la creación del país y que debemos comprometernos a protegerlos.

El cortometraje, creado para promocionar la marcha e inspirar a sus participantes, presenta la narración en inglés de Chloe Sevigny (Big Love) y Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception), con música de CYN. Darren Aronofsky, miembro de la Junta de la Fundación Sierra Club, sirve como director ejecutivo. El proyecto es una colaboración entre Chromista, All City y el Sierra Club.

“Me uní a la Marcha Climática de los Pueblos en 2014, y honestamente, no supe si iba a marcar la diferencia”, dijo Gordon-Levitt. “Pero así lo hice. Me sorprendió gratamente y me animó que generara leyes que pueden ayudar a marcar la diferencia. Ahora esas leyes están en peligro. Así que es hora de marchar de nuevo”.

“La crisis climática es la mayor amenaza contra nuestro país” dijo Aronofsky. “Es nuestro deber patriótico luchar contra ella y este video es un recordatorio que proteger nuestra tierra y a quienes la habitan ha sido siempre lo acertado. Nuestras voces tienen que escucharse. Tenemos que marchar para proteger el futuro del país y del planeta el 29 de abril”.

El cortometraje presenta imágenes, al mismo tiempo, espectaculares y descorazonadoras, acompañadas de un libreto con pasajes de la Declaración de la Independencia, la Constitución, el Discurso de Gettysburg, God Bless America, la Inscripción de la Estatua de la Libertad y la juramentación del Presidente de Estados Unidos.

La Marcha Climática de los Pueblos ocurrirá el 29 de abril, el día 100 de la presidencia de Donald Trump, en Washington, DC, y otras 85 ciudades. Visite para encontrar una marcha cercana a su localidad y confirmar su participación.

(English version)

Artists Call for Climate Justice in Patriotic New Video for Peoples Climate March

The Sierra Club released an inspirational video promoting the Peoples Climate March on April 29 in Washington, D.C. and 85 sister cities across the globe. The video weaves together excerpts and themes from historic documents, speeches, and iconic American moments to convey the message that the guarantee of justice for all and the protection of every person in the United States are fundamental values promised at the founding of the country that must be vigilantly pursued and protected.

Created to raise awareness about the march and inspire participation, the short film features narration by Academy Award-nominated and Golden Globe-winning actress Chloe Sevigny and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Snowden, Inception), with music by daring musician CYN. Darren Aronofsky, a board member for the Sierra Club Foundation, serves as executive producer. The project is a collaboration between Chromista, All City and Sierra Club.

“I joined the first Peoples Climate March in 2014, and to be honest, I didn't know if it would make a difference.” said Gordon-Levitt. “But then it did. I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged to see it lead to real legislation that could help make a difference. Now those policies are under attack. So it's time to march again.”

“The way people from all backgrounds came together at the first Peoples Climate March was extremely powerful and led to so much positive change,” said Sevigny. “Now our leaders want to go backwards. I can’t believe we still need to protest for clean air and water for all people.”

"The climate crisis is the greatest threat to our country,” said Aronofsky. “It is our patriotic duty to fight for it and this video is a reminder that protecting the land and the people have always been the right thing to do. Our voices must be heard. We must march to protect the future of our country, and our planet on April 29.”

The short film features both breathtaking and heartbreaking imagery set to a script with excerpts from The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Gettysburg Address, God Bless America, the Statue of Liberty Inscription, and The Oath of Office of the President of the United States.

The Peoples Climate March is on April 29, President Trump’s 100th day in office, in Washington DC and 85 sister cities. Please visit to find a rally near you and RSVP.


Production Company:  Chromista
Director / Executive Producer: Darren Aronofsky
Executive Producers:  Sandy Haddad / Ted Robbins

Agency: All City
President/ CCO: Tony Sella
ECD/ Writer: Jan Livingston
Art Director: Walter May
Group Account Director: Wendy Lightbourn
Strategist: Elisha Greenwell
Coordinator: Samer Imam

Editorial: Beast NY
Editor: Dan Maloney
Assistant Editor: Mackenzie Mauro
Color Correct: Co3 Los Angeles
Artist: Bryan Smaller
Conform: Scott Bravo
Producer: Liz Regan

Original Song "Because It's Ours" By the artist CYN
Produced by Svend The Dane
Written by CYN, Svend "The Dane" Lerche and Carsten Lindberg

Audio: duotone audio post
Mixer: Juan Aboites
Executive Producer: Greg Tiefenbrun