Central-Northern New York Group

Welcome to the Sierra Club Central-Northern NY Group

The purpose of this site is to enhance communication and participation of Sierra Club members and concerned citizens in preserving our environment. 

Formed in 1972, our group is affiliated with the Atlantic Chapter of the Sierra Club. We are located in Central and Northern New York. We further the Sierra Club’s conservation and environmental efforts through local and regional initiatives, including educational events, indoors and outdoors. Our group welcomes participation and suggestions. Please contact an Executive Committee member (see below) for additional information.

Want to get more involved with the CNNY Group?

If you are interested in becoming involved in our group, please reach out to us! We welcome volunteers interested in helping in some way. Please let us know via email.

The Executive Committee meets monthly at 7pm and all Sierra Club members are welcome to attend. Please contact chair, Rhea Jezer for the meeting schedule.

Executive Committee Members 2025

Officers and Committee Chairs
Contact information: cnny-group@newyork.sierraclub.org

Rhea Jezer: Executive Committee Chair; Alternate Chapter Delegate; Political Committee Chair

Tom Amidon: Executive Committee Vice Chair and Parliamentarian

Robert Waters: Secretary & Treasurer; Financial Affairs Committee Chair

Tasha Cooper: Chapter Delegate; Membership & Communications Committee Chair; Web site administrator (temporary)

Sarah Klee Hood: Lead Pipes Committee Chair

Don Hughes: Chip Manufacturing Facilities Chair

Steven Kulick: Financial Affairs Committee Vice Chair

Lisa Lehmann: Political Committee Vice Chair

Peter Plumley: Conservation Committee Chair: Outings Committee Chair

Marcy Waldauer: Education Committee Chair

Peter Wirth: Electric School Buses/Transportation Committee Chair

Martha Loew: Emeritus